My Empty Nest & My Kid's Baby Pictures
It's really quiet....I mean QUIET. If you have ever worked with me, or watched me work with your kids or even tried to "sit" with me for coffee, then you know that I am the opposite of still and QUIET. My house is still, and it's quiet.....both my girls are back at school. How did it happen so quickly, but now here I am an empty nester again. I'm left here with an empty house..... and pictures, lots and lots of pictures. The ones that I always stop at on my way down the stairs are their baby pictures. It's 22 years later and I am thanking my younger self who did not even realize what I was giving my future self. Thank you younger self for taking the time to capture that day, that moment, that time in our lives that is gone...but not really. I have permanent reminders of little toes and soft skin and peaceful sleeping babies.
My husband always says that perspective is a powerful thing. You can never really know the true value of your family pictures, you just don't even think about it till much, much, much later. And you'll be thanking your younger self too, if you're lucky.
No regrets start here
I'm living with pictures, not regrets. What about you? Is anyone else feeling this way?? If you're feeling the same way, empty nest, it's too quiet, need more pictures.. Let's chat! I'm excited to hear from you.
Jan 25, 2018, 12:37:27 PM
judi villani - I can totally relate Jenifer. Thank you for helping me have no regrets! You have taken so many beautiful pictures of my family !! I treasure them. :)